NVFLIX - How To Setup

~ 0 min
26-07-2024 02:04

How to setup NVFLIX

WARNING: NVFLIX may require a VPN, the majority of people won't need one, but some ISPs may block it. A VPN will solve that.
This could change for you at any time and we are not responsible, you have been advise you may need a VPN.  

This is an additonal service, that at the time of writing has 26,823 films and 8,707 series.
There isn't much you won't find on this app.
This is an additional cost, £35 per year. 
You need a seperate login for this (NOT your NV Media login).

We do not provide support for content on this. E.g if an episode is wrong, or isn't added yet. Please do not add us, there isn't anything we can do.

  1. On your Firestick or Android, open the downloader app. (if you do not have downloader, click here and follow steps 1 to 2F.)

    This is for Android and Firestick / FireTV devices ONLY. 
    See setep 2B for older androids or touchscreen devices.

  2. In the URL box put in 133928
    Or manual download URL: https://rebrand.ly/nvflix2

    2b. touch screen devices or older devices have to use this app: https://rebrand.ly/novaflix or code 180670

  3. Download and install the app. Then open it.

  4. Once you open the app, you then need to login.
    If you do not have a login, you can request a trial via discord ticket.
    The trial is only 5 hours long from when we send it. So only request a trial when you are ready to use it.

  5. To login, click the + button on the top right.

  6. Then Click Add Playlist

  7. Click on NVFLIX

  8. Enter your login, and click submit. Once you press submit, nothing will happen for a few seconds, then it will say "Refresh EPG is done"

  9. On the next screens, press NEXT (x3 times)

  10. It will then say "Download in Progress" this can take 10 seconds to a minute. Wait for it to complete.

  11.  It will then say "Refresh for Playlist NVFLIX is done", you are ready to watch now!

  12. After a day or so the app should automatically refresh the content. If you want to ensure you have all the latest movies and series episodes, you can update manually by going to the settings button in the top right & clicking Refresh All Playlists". 

  13.  TIP: When you click on a movie you may see a button for "other sources", clicking this will allow you to select a different version, e.g a different video quality

    4K -  best quality, you require a 4K device and 4K TV to watch 4K content. This also uses the most interent so if you have a slower internet speed, best to change to a lower quality.

    FHD/ HD, good quality - recommended

    SD - Standard Definition, the lowest video quality but works best for those with the slowest internet.

Tags: flix, nv, nvflix
Average rating 5 (1 Vote)

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