Smarters How to setup VLC player

~ 0 min
06-05-2023 22:20

How to setup VLC for Smarters

VLC Player is a different media player, it can sometimes perform better, so if you are having issues this may be your solution:

  1. On your Firestick / Android box, go to the a) Firestick store for Firestick b) Playstore for Android 
  2. Install an app called VLC (sometimes VLC Player)
  3. Now open your smarters app
  4. Click the setting button top right
  5. Go to External Players
  6. Click Add player button
  7. Select VLC 
  8. Click Add
  9. Go back to settings
  10. Go to player selection
    Here you can change the default player,
    personally I leave them on built in player, EXCEPT for catchup, i select this to VLC.

  11.  Now when you click on a film or series it will give you 2 options, default player, and play with VLC, select VLC for the ones you have issues with.
  12. To play a live tv channel on VLC, hold the select button on the channel and click play with VLC.
Tags: player, smarters, vlc
Average rating 4.5 (2 Votes)

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