How to install NV Media on iPhone/iPad / Apple TV

~ 0 min
01-01-1970 00:01


Warning: Android and Firestick are our primary devices, which use our own apps.
Every other device uses third party services to connect to our servers, which often do not perform as well as our own apps.


How to use NV Media on iPhone/iPad/Apple TV

  1. Download SupaLegacyIPTV from the AppStore
  2. Open the app
  3. Click login by code
  4. Click remember me
  5. Enter the code 6996
  6. Click select in the top box
  7. it will show server 1 in white box
  8. tap on server 1 it will change to a clear / blue box
  9. Enter username
  10. Enter password
  11. Click remember me
  12. Click login.



Enjoy :)

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